Saturday, October 22, 2005

Temporary States of Psychosis

Temporary States of Psychosis

We write much about the constant stretching and contracting of the emotional faculty within Pentecostalism and Charismania. We need more research in the area of temporary psychosis because I think that extreme emotional religions often produce in healthy minds a state of temporary psychosis. I think that for long periods – days – after an extreme religious meeting – such as a deliverance service or such – the people can receive an induced state of mental illness even if their minds are otherwise healthy.

For example, I think Pentecostals are in a state of Bi-Polar Disorder after a major revival. The fly into states of extreme mania where they are on top of the world taking authority over strongholds and demons, etc, followed by extreme depressive states where they have to return to the real world on the job or other places where they are just another Joe Blow. Being Joe Blow on the job is depressing because Joe’s boss cannot see that Joe is part of the chosen few and the boss man will burn in hell.

We al know that some people can be induced by religious psychosis to see demons, speak to demons, believing and seeing them there. They force their minds into this state. I would call this a temporary state of schizophrenia.

These are only two things I can think of off the top of my head. The problem I see is that this temporary induced state can become chronic to the point where they become effectively equivalent to the mentally ill person – for all practical purposes.

I believe that our minds are incredibly powerful instruments. However, I think our minds are delicate like any other organ of our bodies. If we feed our stomach junk, we will cause injury to our selves. I think that if we abuse our minds with extreme emotionalism, inducing extreme states of hypnosis and altered states, the mind can become functionally injured. It affects our clear thinking, and we become fuzzier in our thinking and less able to concentrate. Many books on cult and charismatic groups mention that the abuse of the mind leads to defective mental functioning. I think that it comes and goes in stages where the Pentecostal might perform logical on a particular job for which he is paid for, but suffer severely in basic logic on research to say, demons getting inside Harry Potter books. I think the states of psychosis can come within particular time periods – after a wild service – or within particular subject areas – maybe focused on demon possession by a particular person, and maybe biological evolution with another person.

Please post your thoughts on this. I think that we can demonstrate these movements as very dangerous if research proves what we already know to be true – Pentecostals and Charismatics can be normal people at times, and at other times and within particular subjects, they are mentally defective, and possibly temporarily mentally ill.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this - your mind is as sharp as a diamond and just as beautiful.
Yes, indeed, I do believe that the temporary state of psychosis that you describe is behind alot of the evil that goes on in Pentecharismania. I guess you will have heard of the Toronto Blessing? That was an example of what you describe. I can't thank you enough for your insight.

binky777 said...

"For example, I think Pentecostals are in a state of Bi-Polar Disorder after a major revival. The fly into states of extreme mania where they are on top of the world taking authority over strongholds and demons, etc, followed by extreme depressive states where they have to return to the real world on the job or other places where they are just another Joe Blow. Being Joe Blow on the job is depressing because Joe’s boss cannot see that Joe is part of the chosen few and the boss man will burn in hell."

Dead on man, dead on. And the only cure for this depression? Go into full-time ministry! Now you're perpetuating the madness.

Anonymous said...

Hi Im almost two years in pentecostal. And I feel bad about what I did. I am deciding to go out from this religion. Before I read this blog, I was actually getting the point of this fraud but there you are, confirming that this religion is really fraud. But I am not getting out from God. This is a challenge for me. Thank You for this information and God Bless You.

Cometer_of_the_year_finalist_award said...

It's Joe blow here. thank you so much. I still have no idea what happened to me those 33 years ago. what that salvation and strongholds really were.
for 7 years it was all about missions and intercession. heck. I was the prayer leader.
then a shock. and a change started again.
it's been 26 years trying to get rid of that whatever it was.
and I do not take it lightly. whatever that was.
you have to understand something here.
You see. I had acquired some kind of powers.
I would place my hands on people and they fall down. I would probably not believe it if I was.eing told its someone else.
only this was me. at age 20.having gotten into cbafismatism at age 13.its been 26 years battling this strange condition. call it mania call it possession. call it anything you want.
well thank you for your thoughts.very much appreciated.
Joe blow