Saturday, January 06, 2007

Isolation is Not Good

The isolation within Pentecostalism is dangerous. A constricted intellectual horizon will limit your options. Even though there are thousands of resources for help out there, if you do not know anything about them because of your isolation, you will wither on the vine in loneliness and despair. So, all the help out there, which poses a threat of getting you out of there, will be labeled as evil, worldly, of the devil and so forth to keep you isolated, alone and afraid. You will feel horror at the thought of leaving because you will know absolutely nothing of your options.

But, as we know here, there is a great big world out there with people willing to help if we just open ourselves to the possibilities out there. There is so much more to life and living than the narrow, restricted world-view of Pentecostalism. When you taste the variety out there, you will look upon Pentecostalism as pathetic and pitiful because they limit themselves so much that they waste their lives. They waste their lives on nothing. Think of how many more people we would have out there practicing science, playing music, writing novels, inventing new things, building houses, serving the community, going to college, teaching students, painting great pictures, running businesses, and many other things. What a waste because they do not know the world of options out there.

If one’s horizon of options is sufficiently constricted to the point where they cannot imagine a way out, this leads to despair, a broken spirit, and thoughts of suicide. The person becomes a nobody and an empty shell where a vibrant life should be.



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog. You hit the nail on the head with this one!

Recovering Ex-Pentecostal myself.

Anonymous said...

I realize these posts are old but I just discovered this website. I myself am struggling with the Apostolic Oneness-faith church I attend. It pains me to read the various responses in this blog. As an adult we are free to choose; but as children they have no voice; they have no choice and it is very sad. I am sure it makes God very sad as well. He just wants us to believe in Him and His son Jesus so we can live with them for eternity when God creates His new heaven and earth. What the Apostolics and Pentecosts teach about the Lake of Fire is not true at all. What loving God would have people tortured for all eternity? Why don't they have ears to hear the truth???